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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


How to Incorporate a Solid Surface Tub into a Small Bathroom?

by:KingKonree     2023-07-07

How to Incorporate a Solid Surface Tub into a Small Bathroom?

Renovating a small bathroom can be a challenging prospect, but a solid surface tub can help provide luxury and elegance even in tight quarters. If you're thinking of including this feature in your small bathroom, here's how to get started.

1. Take Precise Measurements

The first step to incorporating a solid surface tub into a small bathroom is to take accurate measurements. You want to ensure that your bathtub is not too large or too small for your space. Additionally, you need to measure door widths, clearance space, and other important dimensions to ensure that the tub fits through your bathroom door and can be installed without issue.

2. Consider the Placement

You'll want to think carefully about the placement of your solid surface tub to maximize your space. For example, placing it against a wall or in a corner rather than in the center of the bathroom can help you make the most of your square footage. Keep in mind that you'll also need to consider where your plumbing lines are located and make sure that you have appropriate access to them.

3. Think About Style

When it comes to a solid surface tub, you have many style options. You can choose from different shapes, colors, and finishes to suit your décor. Consider the style of your bathroom and choose a tub that complements it. For example, if you have a traditional bathroom, a freestanding clawfoot tub might fit in well. If you have a modern space, a sleek, minimalist tub might be more appropriate.

4. Invest in Quality

Investing in a high-quality solid surface tub is important when you're dealing with a smaller space. You don't have the luxury of excess floor space, so you want to make sure that your tub is built to last. Look for a reputable manufacturer and consider the materials used in the construction. You want a solid surface tub that is durable, easy to clean, and resistant to stains and scratches.

5. Don't Forget About Storage

One of the biggest challenges in a small bathroom is finding enough storage space. As you're planning your solid surface tub installation, be sure to factor in storage needs. You might consider built-in shelving or a nearby vanity for towels and toiletries. You can even look for a solid surface tub with built-in storage features.

6. Create a Focal Point

A solid surface tub can be a stunning focal point in a small bathroom. By choosing a style and finish that complements the rest of your bathroom, you can create a cohesive and elegant look. Consider adding other features to highlight your tub, such as lighting or artwork.

7. Maximize Your Space

There are several design tricks you can use to maximize your space when incorporating a solid surface tub. For example, consider using a showerhead or hand-held sprayer that's attached to the wall to save space. You might also consider installing a curved shower rod to give the illusion of extra space. If your bathroom has high ceilings, consider using higher shelving or crown molding to draw the eye upward and create the illusion of a larger space.

Incorporating a solid surface tub into a small bathroom requires careful planning and attention to detail, but the end result can be stunning. By taking precise measurements, considering placement and style, investing in quality, factoring in storage needs, creating a focal point, and maximizing your space, you can create a luxurious and elegant space that's both functional and stylish.

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