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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


Advantages and disadvantages of artificial stone countertops Price of artificial stone countertops

by:KingKonree     2021-05-03

  Artificial stone countertops, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Artificial stone countertops are an artificial stone countertop product. It is a more popular product in the market. So in general, what are the advantages of artificial stone countertops? Disadvantages, what is the price of artificial stone countertops, and what should we pay attention to when buying artificial stone countertops, let's introduce the relevant situation of artificial stone countertops for everyone.

  Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Stone Countertops Price of Artificial Stone Countertops

   Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Stone Countertops

   Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Stone Countertops

One of the advantages of    artificial stone countertops: Because artificial stone countertops are artificial stone, they have more impact resistance, flexural resistance, compression resistance, and anti-permeability functions than other stones, and its wear resistance, acid resistance, and high temperature resistance The ability is also very strong.

The second advantage of    artificial stone countertops: The artificial stone countertops have a complete variety of colors and colors, can be integrally formed, and can be repeatedly polished and innovated.

The third advantage of    artificial stone countertops: If you think the artificial stone countertops are too short or too narrow, it doesn't matter, it can be seamlessly bonded at any length, and there is no trace of the bonding.

The shortcomings of    artificial stone countertops

One of the shortcomings of    artificial stone countertops: Because they are artificially made, they lack naturalness, and the texture of the artificial stone is relatively fake.

The second disadvantage of    artificial stone countertops: any artificial things cannot be the same in quality, so you must choose a reputable and guaranteed brand when choosing.

   artificial stone countertop price

   artificial stone countertop is made of unsaturated resin as a binder, using this binder to make the marble stone powder and flower The granite fragments are glued together. Although it is ordinary granite, it is also called artificial stone or marble by many people. The price structure of artificial stone countertops produced by different methods is also different. There are two production methods for this kind of artificial stone countertops, the first is block production, and the other is tablet production. These two methods are two methods commonly used nowadays, because the methods are different. , There are also their own pros and cons. The sheet-pressing method occupies some of the flat corners and diagonals of the artificial stone countertops. Nowadays, more manufacturers still use the block-type processing and production methods.

   1. Because of the high demand for technology and equipment from consumer manufacturers, and the cost of raw materials is higher than other products, the market price of artificial stone countertops continues to remain high. The price of imported products on the market is around 2500. The domestic ones are also above 1,500 yuan. DuPont Corian's market price: 2100 yuan/meter ~ 3500 yuan/meter. They only distribute goods to brand-name cabinets, which means they can only buy them in brand-name cabinet stores. Such as the Da Vinci cabinet from Italy.

  2, the general artificial quartz stone currently on the market: 700 yuan/m-1500 yuan/m, the good artificial quartz stone is Cyrelite: ranging from 2180 to 3980/m, resin plate artificial The market price of stone countertops is about 400-700 yuan/meter. Composite acrylic artificial stone countertops: the market price is 700 yuan/meter to 1500 yuan/meter.

   buy artificial stone countertops


   When buying artificial stone countertops, first observe the product with your eyes Whether the color is pure and the permeability is good enough. If the surface has a grainy feel similar to plastic and there are small pores on the back of the board, then you need to be particularly vigilant, because such a product is obviously flawed. It not only affects the aesthetics, but may even have potential problems in quality. The price of such artificial stone countertops is usually very low. In order not to affect family life, it is best not to buy such products.


   The so-called touch is divided into two levels. One is to feel the surface of the table by hand to see if it is smooth and smooth, without rough touch and uneven feeling. This method can be used to identify whether the countertop is made of aluminum hydroxide or calcium carbonate. The second is to scratch with your nails. If there are no obvious scratches, the material of the product is still very good. Through the touch, consumers can also feel the pros and cons of the product more intuitively to determine whether the price of the artificial stone countertop is consistent with the quality of the product.


   personally test the product, you can use soy sauce, edible vinegar or a lighter to determine whether the product will not penetrate, change color, and has a flame retardant effect. It should be noted that the seller's consent must be obtained during the test to avoid disputes. And this way can better judge whether the product you want to buy is in line with the price of artificial stone countertops.

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