Constipation is a condition in which the person
For the fourth month of pregnancy, many women will notice that the functioning of your digestive system has slowed down and are more upset by the decreased frequency of defecation and its hardness.
Symptoms of Constipation:
* More than four days between bowel and another.
* The stools are hard and this makes them more difficult to get them moving in the gut.
* There is a feeling that is not finished emptying the bowel.
* If the stools are very hard, can cause bleeding in the rectum.
* Constipation can cause pain in lower abdomen
* In some cases a constipated bowel can cause problems during childbirth.
Treatment- There is several ways to help improve constipation:
* Eating a diet rich in fiber: Pursue a balanced diet that includes enough fiber (25 to 30 grams a day) is the most natural and effective way to get the uncomfortable symptoms of constipation disappear, or at least become milder. Fiber is very important because it pushes the intestines to work harder and yet absorbs fluid which helps make stools not harden.
Therefore, it is advisable to gradually increase the amount and frequency of consumption of foods rich in fiber. It should be noted that the input fiber has to be increased gradually so that the digestive system will adapt and avoid some intestinal discomfort and bloating or swelling.
* Fiber is present in foods of plant origin and is therefore particularly suitable consumption of vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, legumes, whole grains and nuts and derivatives. As a general rule it is advisable to consume all the vegetables except the flatulent as artichokes, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, peppers, cucumbers, radishes, onions, leeks ... and all fruit except the astringent as quince, grapefruit, bananas ... but, will have to assess individual tolerance, in order not to make the diet more strictly than necessary. Should take fresh fruit with skin, not forgetting to wash them thoroughly before eating, and is advised to take at least one salad a day.
* It is preferable for the pasta (macaroni, spaghetti ...), bread, cookies and cereals are whole rather than refined, since the latter have significantly lower fiber content.
* It is beneficial to limit consumption of rice as a food is astringent, and whether to consume is preferably accompanied by vegetables, in salads or mixed with vegetables. The latter should be prepared with vegetables as with fatty foods often cooked like sausage, bacon or sausage contributes to worsening the evacuation.
* Drink plenty of water, if not getting enough liquid in the diet, the digestive process slows, can not do its job, the feces become hard and difficult to move.
There is no specific rule but recommends drinking at least 6 glasses of water per day which can be both water and mild teas, vegetable broths, juices (with pulp) ... Drink as much water as you like. Addition and note that if you do not drink enough fluids when your diet is rich in fiber can worsen constipation.
Try these home remedies:
Take kiwi, orange juice or prunes rehydrated fasting
Just coffee or a glass of warm water fasting
Making applesauce and prunes in the morning,
Oat bran add to yoghurts,
Should eat slowly, chew food, and be regular with meal times.
Exercise: If you exercise like walking or swimming for about 30 minutes, you get to strengthen the intestinal muscles involved in defecation reflex. In addition this exercise will help in the time of delivery.
Listen to your body and never put off going to the bathroom when you feel like shit. It is important that in addition to carrying out these dietary guidelines, it is believed a good bowel habits, having a fixed schedule to go to the bathroom, so as to achieve educate the bowel.
Talk to your doctor about some other steps you can take if all else fails. It is likely that you get to recommend a mild laxative or a fiber supplement or stool softener. Remember; never take a drug without being prescribed by your doctor.
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