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Ethiopia - What To See And Experience In Ethiopia

by:KingKonree     2020-07-16
Ethiopia ... a land of discovery! Ethiopia, formerly called Abyssinia, is a land rich in culture and tradition. Extensive historic sites, wonders and splendors, stunning landscapes and fascinating attractions will surprise any visitor. It is a unique country that has much to offer to please any taste: history, culture, wildlife, nature and so on. It is a land of great antiquity, with a culture and traditions stretching back more than 3,000 Years. Ethiopia also presents one of the most stunning natural environments in Africa. Because of the size of the country, and the great variety of its landscapes and climate, Ethiopia represents all that Africa has to offer. North Ethiopia and East Ethiopia Ethiopia has so much to offer visitors: the Historic Route, covering the ancient town of Axum, with its amazing carved obelisks, Christian festivals and relics, including the Ark of the Covenant; Gondar, with its castles and palaces; Lalibela, with its remarkable rock hewn churches; and the walled Muslim city of Harar. Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile and others magnificent Great Rift Valley Lakes, many with national parks, home to a wealth of bird and animal life. The high, rugged, Simien Mountains in the north and the Bale Mountains in the south are also home to some unique wild life, and are ideal for trekking. North-Eastern Ethiopia In the north-east, Dallol, this part of the African continent also offers an opportunity to see the first signs of a new ocean basin forming. It looks like another planet because there are lots of colorful rocks in each meter. It's quite like a science fiction. Not far from Dallol in the Danakil Depression north of the Great Rift Valley, the only volcanic crater below sea level has remained silent since 1926 as the seabed it will one day occupy gradually widens. South Ethiopia and South-Western Ethiopia In the Southern and South-Western of Ethiopia, beautiful scenery and colorful cultures all combine to make this part of the country unique. The mix of cultures vastness and solitude of the lower Omo basin, combined with Mago and Omo National Parks, makes this area a natural wonder that offers unmatched experience. Come to Ethiopia to the majestic natural and cultural beauties of highest splendor and make an unforgettable discovery of life time!
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