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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


For many frequent travelers, the biggest source

by:KingKonree     2020-09-19

According to the survey of 1,000 frequent business travelers released by New York Internet Providers and their data research trams approximately 62% consider business high speed Internet access the most important travel and hotel amenity. This surpasses the days when business people found television, mini-fridges, and a Jacuzzi was among the most important amenities that the hotel experience most have. The television was a distant second with 20% of respondents saying they wanted one in their hotel room. With business high speed internet and several sources for online television, people have found that have a television, even in their personal homes, have become less valuable. The television set still continues to be purchased but more people are able to connect their laptops and desktop computers to their television sets. Travelers also did not seem to care as much for a mini-fridge, landline phone, bathtub or mini-bar. They each were measured at a respectfully low 5%, 4%, 3%, and 1% in that order.

An approximate twenty five percent of travelers have mentioned in the same study that logging onto their business internet services in their room when they first arrive helped them feel most at home while staying at a hotel. With that, they will be able to communicate, check their email, play games, and lay comfortable while their conduct their business internet activities. Other ways they had of making themselves at home was unpacking in their personal drawers and shelves, taking a shower, and turning on the television. Each were measured at a low 20%, 10%, and 1%.

About forty seven percent of all business travelers said that connecting with family back home was the best way to de-stress after a long day of work. Their mind is shifted into everything at home, while they could prepare for their next day or work or travel, depending on how duration of their stay. Living on the wears on business travelers even with the most sophisticated wireless fiber or business high speed internet. It turns each business traveler into a survivalist. When a person goes to a hotel, into a new city, they have to survive that day and wherever they stay. The quicker they can communicate back home, they quicker their going to do that. Maintaining interpersonal relationships while on the road and having the person for of wireless fiber or business broadband internet helps support that claim. Business high speed internet access is so important to travelers that 69% said they'd be very unhappy if they had no way to connect to loved-ones back home. And 83% said that free Internet access would make them much happier while traveling for business even if its slower business broadband.

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