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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


How to save costs in Tianjin booth decoration

by:KingKonree     2021-04-23

  How to save costs in Tianjin booth decoration? Let's take a look at it with us.

  How to save costs in Tianjin booth decoration

   Tips 1. Consider well in advance to avoid deviations in construction

   If you lack exhibition experience , Then it is very likely to be exhausted for small mistakes and change the construction plan for big mistakes during the installation time. Some exhibitors requested additional items during the exhibition, so they would have to work overtime. Maybe the exhibitors don’t care about the increased rent and workers’ overtime, but if the exhibitors communicate with the construction companies more time in design and construction in advance, they can not only save resources, but also establish a 'high-quality, high-quality, high-quality' for exhibitors and construction companies. 'Efficiency' image.

  Technique two, the structure design is rigorous, so that the booth can be used repeatedly

  Pay attention to the pros and cons of the exhibition hall decoration design plan, generally with 'perfect function, outstanding image 'Unique shape' is the judging criterion, but 'the structure design is ingenious, and the booth can be used repeatedly and updated' is also an important aspect of the exhibition design. Imagine that a real estate company may participate in the 'Spring Fairp>

   Tip Three, the choice of decoration materials can save the province

   Exhibition hall decoration does not require durability like public decoration and home decoration, and does not consider the changes due to time and seasonal changes. Construction quality problems caused by. The goal of the exhibition is to highlight the 'effect' under the premise of ensuring safety. In key parts, such as the flow of people, the parts in contact with people, and the towering booths, thickened materials should be used for reinforcement, and joint ventures and domestic materials should be used in secondary parts.

  We will share with you the content about the decoration of the Tianjin booth first. I hope the above content can be helpful to you.

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