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how to turn off water to the bathroom sink

by:KingKonree     2020-10-20
If you need to repair the plumbing of the bathroom sink, you need to close the water of the sink before you start the repair.
Bathroom Sink closed-
Closing valve located under the sink.
You turn off the water in the sink by turning off the switch
Close the valve of the sink.
Find the closing valve on the pipe located under the bathroom sink.
If you have a cabinet under your sink, you can find something closed in the Cabinetoff valves.
Most sinks are closed twice.
Close the valve, one for hot water and one for cold water. Close the shut-
Close the valve by turning the knob clockwise.
Tighten the pass with your handoff valve.
You won\'t think about it.
Tighten or you will damage the switchoff valve.
Open the hot and cold water on the tap connecting the bathroom sink.
Allow any water stuck in the pipe between the tap and the tap-
Close the valve discharge.
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