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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


Is the wooden tub bathtub good?

by:KingKonree     2021-07-21
Among the bathtub materials used in the bath, the wooden tub bathtub should be the most antique and the most sensational. However, although the wooden tub bathtub feels good, the material problem has also been questioned by many people. They feel that wooden bathtubs are not as durable as other materials. So whether the wooden tub bathtub is good or bad, let’s take a look at its advantages. Disadvantages.   Cask bathtubs generally use cedar wood from Sichuan as the raw material, and go through processes such as cooking, drying, material selection, molding, polishing, barrel hoop, anti-corrosion, painting, and inspection to ensure the service life of the wooden barrel bathtub.  Advantages of wooden tub bathtub   1. The depth of the wooden tub bathtub is generally deep, so there is water pressure when taking a bath, which will have an automatic massage effect, which is good for the human heart and other blood organs.  2. The cedar wood of the wooden tub bathtub has a good thermal insulation effect, and the human body is comfortable during the bath. At the same time, the heat preservation is good, and the water saving effect is also achieved, reducing household water consumption.   3. Wooden tub bathtubs are generally equipped with wheels at the bottom, which has a certain degree of flexibility.  4. The wooden tub bathtub is anti-static and anti-corrosion, it is the first choice for medicated bath.  The shortcomings of the wooden tub bathtub   1. The material of the wooden barrel is due to improper maintenance or if the waste water is not treated in time after the bath, the heating of the hot water for a long time will cause thermal expansion and contraction, and it is easy to crack. Especially low-quality wood is more prone to cracking and water leakage.  2. The price of the wooden tub bathtub is higher than that of other materials. 3. Safety factor. In the process of use, since the stains left by the human body during bathing will adhere to the wooden material, if it is not cleaned for a long time or the cleaning is not strong enough, it will cause bacteria to grow, which is unhygienic for family members. .   After reading the advantages and disadvantages of the wooden tub bathtub, what do you think of it?
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