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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


Leberton shower room What kind of shower room is suitable for your bathroom?

by:KingKonree     2021-08-15
Leberton shower room What kind of shower room is suitable for your bathroom? The bathroom is a very important part of the home improvement. During the decoration design, we should strive to deal with the problem at one time, so as to avoid all kinds of big and small problems after moving in. In order to prevent water from flowing everywhere after bathing, many people choose to install a shower room in the bathroom to achieve the effect of separating dry and wet. Because the space of the bathroom is limited, the style of the shower room has changed accordingly, and there are various styles. Different sizes of space have different styles and shapes of shower rooms. So what kind of shower room is suitable for your bathroom? Also pretend to look good! Today we will share it. In-line shower room The so-called in-line shower room usually faces three walls, and the remaining side uses glass as a partition door to create a rectangular shower space. Even if the glass partition divides the space, it will not reduce the space visually. Application: This design is suitable for long and narrow toilets. Diamond-shaped shower room The diamond-shaped shower room is a new type of bathroom product on the market. It has gained this reputation because of its shape similar to a diamond. Because the diamond-shaped appearance is a cut shape, beautiful and fashionable, it is deeply loved by consumers nowadays.
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