Most of us can handle a few extra dust bunnies
1. Rinse out your bath or shower each time you use it. After a shower, spray some water around the shower and lather up a sponge. Wipe down the stall or tub and then rinse clean. This will help decrease your shower's potential for mildew and soap scum, to long-standing enemies of the clean bathroom. Doing this each time will ensure that these difficult-to-remove pests won't ever step foot in your bathroom.
2. Be careful choosing what to scrub your countertops with. While some less durable counters (like plastic laminate) can actually handle more harsh scrubbers, marble and cultured marble need to be wiped down with a softer sponge. Using a scrubber like steel wool on these surfaces can create grooves that will be essentially impossible to clean in the future.
3. Clean your mirror properly the first time, so you won't have streaks looking back at you. Mix 1/3 cup vinegar and 1 gallon warm water, and spray it on to the mirror. Buff with a lint-free cloth, chamois or paper towel.
4. Some bathrooms are more prone to mildew than others, and a quick wipe down after each shower may not be enough. You can spray the shower with a mildew inhibitor after drying with a towel, and then leave the door open to the shower to let the room aerate. To remove hard water deposits from shower doors with a little white vinegar and fabric softener and water to remove soap scum, and your doors should be sparkling.
5. Remove hair from the bathroom drain regularly. I know this is gross, but if you take it out as it is collected you will prevent a lengthier de-clogging that will be necessary if the hairball grows. Regularly rub away the tub ring after uses, toothis can be done with a towel and without cleaners.
As long as you keep vigilant in your cleaning, the once-weekly overhaul won't seem so daunting. If time is a problem, both immediately after showers and on the weekends, consider hiring a service to do the cleaning for you. Time should not be a reason that you can't clean your bathroomit is crucial to your health and hygiene to keep your surroundings clean and free of harmful germs. Gauge what time you can give, and choose to do it yourself or hire out.
Learn more tips for maintaining a healthy and clean home at our Denver cleaning services website and clicking through to the blog.
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