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Meet KKR in Canton Fair October & BlG5 Dubai, November 2024

So you've decided to sit back and start thinking

by:KingKonree     2020-07-14
Think of it in this way-it's not like going from a photo to macaroni art of your photo (although that would be rather interesting). It's more along the lines of going from a photo to art/a portrait. This means that you can take your best photo and turn it into a grand painting-and all for a very moderate price. First of all, you choose how exactly your art from photos are going to look. For example, if you have a picture of a dog, a family portrait, a baby in a bathtub, and a picture of a bird, you can choose a different method for each. Watercolor would work the best for the dog since it will make it look light, airy, and impart a bit of surrealism to the portrait, while keeping it looking realistic. The point is that it is a light and happy photo, most likely and a picture done in watercolor helps to show that. Then you have the family portrait. This is best done in oil paint, since it is longer lasting, bolder, and you can work with many moods when it comes to oil. If you have a sad photo that you want turned into a painting, painting in oil helps convey the feelings of the photo. If you want a happy photo, same thing. And more formal photos also work exactly the same. Then you have pencil. This is best for the baby in the bathtub because it requires a lot of contrast and a lot of focus. This is great for those who have a photo where they want to really highlight the subject, especially if said subject is a small child. Then you have color pencil. Color pencil is great for those who wants their art from photo to be bright and colorful. This is why the bird is best represented in this manner. Make sure that you take the time to examine every choice before you finally make it so that you can hopefully find what works best with you art from photo. Look over galleries so that you have a better idea of what each and every photo will turn into. Keep in mind the lighting, highlights, etc. Finally, enjoy your piece! Art from photos can be great for those who want to give a loved one a gift, show off their favorite photo or anything in between. While it may take some time, you can even have a whole scrapbook turned into beautiful paintings and portraits. It's up to you! You can either shop online for painters or you can find a commission artist at a gallery. Keep in mind that they are both effective, but the gallery artist is more likely to cost more.
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