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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


The toilet smells or turns yellow. How to clean it? There is a good way

by:KingKonree     2021-10-23
The toilet smells and turns yellow. How to clean it? Before there is a good way, a friend asked why the toilet was so clean when I went to the guest’s house. Pay attention to cleaning, but it is very dirty. I want to ask what is the reason for this. I have sorted out several possibilities for everyone, and then I will talk to you. First: Failure to flush in time or the effect of flushing is not good. Generally, everyone remembers to flush after defecation, because it smells great, but sometimes you are anxious, and you may forget to flush after you urinate. After a long time, you will urinate. The liquid forms urine stains, and the inside of the toilet will naturally turn yellow. In addition, some toilets do not have enough power. Some stains cannot be flushed down at once. Every time some stains are hung in the bowl, which also causes the toilet to become dirty. . It is recommended that everyone remember to flush the toilet, and then use a toilet with a higher impact. Second: Failure to clean in time. In fact, the toilet should be cleaned more frequently. For example, it is appropriate to clean once every two days. If the toilet is cleaned after too long, some stains will also accumulate in the toilet. Therefore, it is best to clean and clean the toilet in the morning. Sprinkle a little disinfectant before going to work to make the toilet cleaner. It is difficult to keep the toilet clean without cleaning. Third: The cleaning product is inappropriate. If you have paid attention to cleaning and cleaning, but still have not been cleaned, it is likely that some products are not suitable. There are many products of toilet cleaners. It is recommended that you take a look at the evaluation and choose those that are popular. The ones you like to use may be better. For some yellow stains that are harder to clean, you can also spray some vinegar and then scrub. The speed is also very fast. One product is not easy to use, so replace the other as soon as possible to avoid prolonged cleaning of the toilet. Fourth: The inner wall of the toilet is not smooth enough. It may be said that everyone does not understand this. In fact, this is a problem of the quality of the toilet. Some toilets have higher ceramic density and better quality when they are fired. This type of toilet is smooth and easy to clean. But some toilets are not dense enough, the surface is not smooth enough, it is easier to accumulate stains, and it is not easy to clean. After a period of time, the ceramics are like being dyed, and the stains on it can’t be removed at all. There is no particularly good solution for this. Apart from cleaning it harder, it is time to change to a better quality toilet. If your toilet has this kind of yellowing and peculiar smell and it is not easy to be cleaned, you can see if it is because of the above four reasons. If it is, you can deal with it in a simple way. (
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