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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


There cannot be two opinions that columns lend

by:KingKonree     2020-06-26
Using stately columns in a room can bring a bold statement and grand elegance to the entire area. Columns used in a grand foyer, living room, study room, dining room or recreation room will doubtless add majesty to the structure. Contrary to public perception, columns are quite simple to install and there are several style choices. You can select from different surfaces- finished wood, unfinished wood, stone, painted or unpainted fiberglass etc. The columns can be added at the initial construction stage or even thereafter to an existing building. Steps to be followed when you want to remodel with posts and columns: 1) Firstly, determine where you wish to place the columns and if adequate space is available. Even before commencing work, select the finish of the desired column, which includes smooth, ready-to-be-painted columns or textured ones of different colors and surface materials. 2) Choose the type of main center piece or the architectural shaft as also the design of column - paneled, fluted, plain or plain with a pedestal base. Remember the application - on a corner wall, covering a post, split in two or a single solid column. 3) Do the necessary calculation to know the diameter required and see if it is available to purchase. Also, decide on the required height. Please know that columns are generally sold in 8-foot, 9-foot and 10-foot heights. 4) Install your column measuring the height from floor level to the ceiling and suitably chop off the column shaft at the desired height. Slide the top decorative piece and bottom of the column in sufficiently away position to secure three or four 'L' brackets directly into main shaft. Restore the top decorative piece and bottom back in place to conceal the brackets. Paint or finish the column as needed, if not already finished. There are a number of parameters that determine which product is right for the type of your work. Whether it is new construction or a remodel, column and post, the market offers a variety of product options from which to choose - from round to square split types, to custom products with specialized reassembly kits. Low maintenance materials like polymer, vinyl sheet pilings or fiberglass or a composite of materials can significantly reduce the need to replace or repaint your columns. If you are using columns for outer areas, you must select columns of appropriate finished surface to withstand high humidity and/or exposure to excessive sun light or torrential rains. Remember that quite often remodel with columns cannot be done by you singly as the columns can be heavy and of undue length and the nature of work itself is rather cumbersome. There are suppliers who will be ready to work with you to help identify and/ or engineer a product that fits your tastes and needs.
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