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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


What are the types and grades of artificial stone countertops

by:KingKonree     2021-05-02

Because artificial stone countertops have become mainstream in the material of countertops, it is also very important to master some necessary related knowledge. Let's learn more about it below.

Types of artificial stone countertops

1. Acrylic artificial stone

Based on polymethacrylic acid Methyl ester (PMMA) is the matrix, and the artificial stone with ultrafine aluminum hydroxide as the filler is acrylic artificial stone. Because PMMA is a flowing resin, the pressing process is complicated and difficult. The acrylic sheet produced in China currently does not contain unsaturated polyester or other resins. It is also called acrylic stone. This stone has higher hardness and better The toughness can be bent, and it has excellent weather resistance and mechanical properties, and will not crack naturally under the condition of large temperature differences.

2. Composite acrylic artificial stone

The composite acrylic countertop is the most cost-effective among all artificial stone countertops. Its main components are acrylic, aluminum hydroxide and 65% particles added to saturated resin by about 20%, and other materials account for about 2% (depending on different colors). Its price, gloss, hardness, corrosion resistance, etc. are relatively moderate, making it the mainstream product in cabinet countertops.

3. Aluminum powder polyester artificial stone

The artificial stone made of ATH polymerization is filled with unsaturated polyester resin as the binder, commonly known as aluminum powder board. It is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-radioactive, and has excellent processability and mechanical properties, oil resistance, and no cracking.

4. Calcium powder polyester artificial stone

Commonly known as calcium powder board. Because calcium powder is ore powder, it may contain radioactivity; long products have poor processing performance, easy to collapse and corners, poor mechanical properties, fragile, easy to crack, short life; poor anti-pollution ability, easy to absorb water and oil pollution. Form stains; flammable but not fireproof.

5. Selite is also called quartz stone

Quartz stone is a kind of stone that has only appeared in the past two years. It contains natural quartz, the texture is hard, natural luxurious, wear-resistant, Corrosion resistant, no leakage. However, it is more complicated in processing and splicing, and there are splicing traces. The most popular one on the market is the Spanish Celite.

6. Crystal stone

Compared with selelite, crystal stone has not changed much in essence, but it uses more large-particle, high-transparency materials in color matching and pigments. . Crystal stone countertops have more pores after being tempered at high temperature than ordinary selenium stone.

7. Cloud stone

Cloud stone is a kind of artificial stone with higher cost than crystal stone, pattern imitating natural texture, and harder texture. Because of its defects in processing and texture docking, it has not been used on a large scale. It is generally used in other exterior wall packaging, pillars, and lighting packaging.

Grade of artificial stone cabinet countertops

1. High-grade artificial stone (pure acrylic, composite acrylic artificial stone)

Acrylic content accounts for 15%-20% of the overall material content. The brand is generally domestically produced. This material has basically the same properties as imported artificial stone. The soy sauce does not bleed, the plate is flexible, and it is not easy to cut bones on it It is broken, and the price is very advantageous. The retail price of high-end cabinet stores is around 1080, which is very cost-effective.

2. Mid-range artificial stone pure aluminum artificial stone (aluminum powder countertop)

The raw material of mid-range artificial stone is aluminum powder + resin + pigment. Compared with acrylic artificial stone, it does not contain acrylic components. Acrylic is represented by the filling of high-end tableware. The advantage of this material is environmental protection. The price is more advantageous than acrylic and composite acrylic. Soy sauce and vinegar will not bleed for a long time when poured on it, but the product will bend after heating. The special-shaped processing performance is general, suitable for household cabinet countertops, not suitable for special-shaped processing in high-end places.

3. Low-grade artificial stone

The raw material of low-grade artificial stone is calcium powder+aluminum powder+resin+pigment. The surface of this kind of artificial stone board may look similar to the above board The difference is not much, but because of the use of calcium carbonate in the raw materials, the soy sauce residue on the surface of the board will definitely bleed even if it does not exceed 24 hours. The hardness of calcium carbonate is high. The color will fade and change color.

Compared with quartz stone, acrylic is a soft material. If the force is particularly large, the quartz stone plate is too hard and It is too brittle and will break, while the acrylic artificial stone plate is elastic, can disperse the force, and is not easy to break, so it is a very good countertop material.

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