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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


which countertop water purification systems are best for home use?

by:KingKonree     2020-03-30
Which countertop water purification system is most suitable for home use?
This question can actually come down to what is the best way to filter or purify water.
Also, this has a lot to do with the contaminants that may be present in your water.
We will take a look at all of this in this article.
First, let\'s talk about pollutants.
If your water comes from a well, then you may be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or microorganisms.
Also, you may have other problems with industrial and/or agricultural operationsoff.
You can use either of the four main types of systems, distillation units, reverse osmosis systems, UV or carbon/ceramic filtration.
If you have a problem with just bacteria, then the right countertop water purification system may include UV rays. (
Ultraviolet rays can only kill live pollutants.
It\'s not doing anything.
Live contaminants like lead.
If you live in the city then you know there is a problem with your chlorine!
Chlorine is the disinfectant we put into the water in our water treatment facilities.
Unfortunately, we now know that chlorine can cause a lot of damage as well.
It combines with organic substances to form triple-halogen methane, a highly volatile chemical and also cancer --causing.
If the pipes to your house are old, you may also have problems with lead or asbestos.
Wherever you live, you can drink pesticides, prescription drugs, or a range of other toxic chemicals.
So, for public water, I don\'t use UV because UV can\'t filter water.
I\'m not going with a winemaker either.
While a lot of people think that distillers are the best table top water purification system, unless you have a pre-
Filter that can remove chlorine.
For urban water, I might stick to using a reverse osmosis system or a carbon/ceramic countertop water purification system.
Reverse osmosis is not perfect either.
Very wasteful.
It takes three to ten gallons of water to make a gallon of pure water.
If you really want to filter your water, think about what your water fee will look like!
In addition, reverse osmosis tends to remove trace minerals from the water.
We need these for the best health.
So, you really want to put them in.
Carbon/ceramic filters can keep these trace minerals in the water while filtering all harmful substances in the water.
They enter the countertop water purification system or under the counter system.
Carbon/ceramic filters are cost effective and low maintenance cost.
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