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KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming


Which styles of bathroom cabinets are divided into

by:KingKonree     2021-07-19
Bathroom cabinets are an indispensable item in our lives, so what are the styles of bathroom cabinets? Next we come to a small summary.  1, European classical style bathroom cabinet    classical style has European and American classical style and Chinese classical style. Under normal circumstances, European and American classical style bathroom cabinets are framed by solid wood. At the same time, it is matched with natural veneer veneer, and its main part is generally made of marble or ceramic basin. Bathroom cabinets of this style are generally exquisite in shape and look noble and luxurious. It is waterproof and has a long service life. But the disadvantage is that the price is more expensive.  2, Chinese classical style bathroom cabinet    As the name suggests, the Chinese classical style bathroom cabinet is designed to imitate and refer to some elements of ancient China. Generally speaking, it is also made of pure solid wood materials, and its countertops are also solid wood under normal circumstances. This style is generally the furniture style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its characteristic is that the shape is relatively complicated, but it pays special attention to the details of the entire furniture. For example, it will be equipped with very exquisite hand-carved flowers. From the aesthetic point of view, it is also very in line with the needs of Orientals.  3. Modern minimalist style bathroom cabinet    This style of bathroom cabinet is the first choice for many families. Its shape is more generous and beautiful. It can meet the needs of different families. At the same time, it is very cost-effective in terms of materials and prices. The advantage is that it is good for processing and has strong selectivity. But the shortcomings are generally speaking, its materials have certain defects in environmental protection and water resistance. Therefore, in addition to considering the demand for which style of bathroom cabinet to choose for the family, the relevant cost points must also be considered.
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