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In the bathtubs there are drainage systems and water taps attached to them. In the earlier periods the bathtubs were generally rectangular in shape but when the fiber bathtubs appeared in the market drastic change in the style and shape of bathtubs came. Generally you may find the bathtubs in the bathrooms generally white in color but everything depends on your own choice. You may have them in every color and every shape after your will.
Generally two types of bathtubs are found, western style bathtub and eastern style bathtub. In the western style bathtub you can easily lie down and enjoy a sweet dip in water. This type of bathtub is generally long and shallow. In the eastern style bathtub you can not get the scope of having the bath lying, rather you have to stand up and take it. This bathtub is generally short and deep.
If we dip delve into the history of bathtub we may find that there was once a luxury type of bathtub named claw foot bathtub that won popularity in the later part of the 19th century. This was made of cast iron and was laid with porcelain. This bathtub was regarded a luxury item the then period. But gradually with the advent of time the costly cast iron was replaced by fiberglass or other material that is relatively cheap. Claw foot bathtub contained more water than a common bathtub found today.
There are bathtubs for babies too. These bathtubs are generally small and stand-alone tubs. The mother or nurse pours water over it from other source of water.
The hot bathtubs are specific for the athletes, players or just for those who are in quest of sheer relaxation. In the very recent times the hot bathtubs are used for medical purposes too.
The whirlpool bathtubs are now used as spa or 'Jacuzzi'. The footballers or cricketers are now advised to spend enough time in this sort of tubs. For the treatment of some specific ailments a dip in the spa offers the patients warm relaxation.