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No one could blame the restaurant designer for throwing everything except the bathroom sink.
A detail that some diners have never seen suddenly becomes a statement.
At the redesigned and reopened brewery in the seoer building, a trough-like sink made of red resin passes through the wall between male and female restrooms in a long unit.
The user is separate, but soap can be passed back and forth.
Liz Diller of Diller and Scofidio said: \"We want to flirt a little and create some tension . \"
Other new sinks around the city are nothing but white porcelain.
Metrazur at the Central Station has just opened, and the hand-made brass sink with perforated covers mimic the compact sink used on the train.
Lao Cao and McKown have been commissioned by Shanghai exchange.
The theater area AD thalia has a range of color pots designed to \"continue the colorful themes\" from the restaurant, which Martin Jerry says he has designed with Toby Haines.
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Mercer Kitchen and vintage stone basin in Building 8
The shallow marble sink at Daniel\'s feet is an example of walking in front of the trend.
More people are on the road.
The new Rosa Mexicano near Lincoln Center will have rose petals embedded in the sink in a clear acrylic bowl designed by David Rockwell.
Avra, a new Greek restaurant in the East 50, is installing a stone basin that looks like a village fountain.
On the new grill at Rockefeller Center, Adam tihney designed a large Corniche slot like a public sink.
The advertisement \"The bathroom is no longer practical\", he said \".
\"This is an extension of the design.
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A version of this article appears on page F00003, the national edition, in January 19, 2000, with the title: Forget White Porcelain: The sink becomes fashionable.