KingKonree - Solid Surface Manufacturer of Sanitary Ware, Solid Surface Countertops & Sheets for over 24 years, innovation in moulding and thermoforming
It depends on whether you have particular requirements on Cabinet Basin sample. Usually, an ordinary product sample will be sent as soon as the sample order has been placed. If you experience delays in receiving your sample order, contact us We'll help to confirm the status of your sample.
KingKonree International China Surface Industrial Co.,Ltd is internationally outstanding in the market of freestanding basin. KKR Sanitary Ware focuses on providing a variety of cloakroom basin with cabine for customers. The production of KKR Sanitary Ware bathroom corner shelfis line with the international production standards. KKR artificial stone can be customized. Due to its significant economic return, the product is becoming more and more important and widely used. KKR artificial stone can be customized.
With strong technical strength, KKR Sanitary Ware also pay attention to the quality of service. Get more info!