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everything but the kitchen sink - what went wrong at cobham

by:KingKonree     2020-05-09
\"It\'s not \'kitchen sinks, \'\" said David Lockwood, cobam\'s boss \'. \".
\"It\'s a terrible phrase, it\'s not one.
Whether investors agree is another matter.
Shares in the aerospace, defense and technology business plunged 20 PCs Thursday morning after the recently appointed chief executive issued his fifth profit warning in 15 months.
Unplanned announcements warn that profits will be 20 metres lower than expected and may even be seen as good news for FTSE 250 business on a bad day.
Mr. Lockwood, and the blockbuster of profits.
The man who took the job two months ago
In addition, a cash fee of £ 179 and a write-down of up to £ 574 were disclosed.
But he insisted it was not the sink in the kitchen. . .
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