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how to remove a wall-mounted sink

by:KingKonree     2020-10-25
For more than a century, sinks installed at home have been popular.
The modern model releases the floor space below and is designed to hide the required pipes for a cleaner look.
Are you removing a wall?
The installed sink is used for repair or replacement upgrade, and the disassembly process is simple.
Turn off the water supply of the fixtures on the two small water valves installed on the wall below the sink.
Place a small bucket on the floor under the water valve to capture any water left in the line and then disconnect each line with an adjustable wrench.
Loosen the hex nuts at the lower end of the line and remove them from the valve. Loosen the P-
Using a pipe clamp or adjustable clamp, connect to the vertical drain of the sink by turning the compression nut counter-clockwise.
This will keep the drain in place, but release the drain from the sink for demolition.
Remove the sink from the wall-
Install the bracket by lifting it up about 3 inch evenly from both sides of the sink close to the wall.
If applicable, use a tool knife to cut off any caulking between the rear edge of the sink and the wall to facilitate disassembly.
Remove the sink wall mounting bracket from the wall using an adjustable wrench or screwdriver (if applicable) to remove the mounting bolts or screws.
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